Layo has over twenty years’ experience of working with children and young people, with a desire to see children maximising their potentials regardless of their background. Layo is interested in supporting children and giving back to the community.

Layo has a Diploma in Social Work, Prince 2 Foundation in Project Management, Masters Childhood and Youth Studies, The Award in Education and Training.

She works with children, young people, and families in her local community. Layo has experience in office management across different sectors. Her roles included overseeing daily operations of departments, managing employees and setting operational policies.

Layo has been the Safeguarding Champion for her Borough. Also working with faith groups as a volunteer, which involved delivering training to faith groups on safeguarding. 

"I enjoy the youth camp that I volunteer at as it involves children from various backgrounds. This involves fundraising to support children whose parents cannot afford the required cost. Youth camp is fun, yet educational for the children. I organise the event in conjunction with other volunteers. I also teach, facilitate, deliver workshops, and supervise other volunteers. It requires the ability to be flexible as you can be asked to do what was not in your schedule..."

"My duty also involves safeguarding all the children in our care and be able to work as an excellent team player".

Layo is the Designated Safeguarding Lead for Real Action.

Real Action, The Learning Store, 3 Mozart Street, Queens Park, London W10 4LA Registered charity number: 1072633 ✉ [email protected], ☎ 020 89603282
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