Between 2012 and 2014 we were able to take the Butterfly Reading Programme into secondary schools to target year 7 pupils in need of literacy intervention.
Real Action’s specially trained Butterfly Practitioners delivered one hour Butterfly sessions twice a week to classes of up to 18 children. This project was funded by the Education Endowment Foundation and evaluated by the University of Durham.
To view the published report please follow the following link: Butterfly Phonics EEF Report
We have been approached by numerous secondary schools to continue to work with them and to train their teachers on how to use the Butterfly Reading Programme. As well as being run as a year 7 intervention the comprehension aspect of the reading programme is being used to teach English across all year groups to develop reading comprehension and vocabulary.
For our work in secondary schools we use the following books:
- The Butterfly Book (a synthetic phonics course book)
- The Butterfly Grammar Book (a structured grammar course book)
- The Advanced Butterfly Reader (a sky’s the limit course book to develop reading comprehension and vocabulary).